Solar Energy

Solar Energy Solutions and services

Solar Power is nature’s bounty and free source of energy that proposes sustainable power solutions, hence a permanent solution for households, factories, offices, and power-plants to empower to develop unlimited power for their use to permanently get rid of the excessive billings. The use of sustainable power is recommended mainly for the two major purposes.

1) To reduce the amount of monthly power billing.
2) To reduce dependence on fossil fuel power and develop electric power sustenance.

We offer a range of residential solar systems after applying years in research and development to make them as efficient as possible. Our residential systems include both on-grid and battery backup based solar energy solutions. Our technological experts have designed intelligent solar energy management and storage systems for every household using state-of-the-art technology and most reliable components. Our battery based Intelligent Solar Energy Management System (ISEMS) ensures that your solar power is available to you day and night. Nearly 75% of your annual electricity consumption is covered with self-generated clean energy.

You need very little electricity from Wapda and are protected against ever increasing energy prices. Your independent energy is reliable and always available. Our range of flexible, modular and expandable systems offer solutions to suit every household. We offer Custom Solutions based on your requirements, available roof space and budget.

On Grid Solar Solutions

On-grid systems provide maximum savings and quickest ROI for residential solar solutions. On-grid systems require a net-metering enabled grid connection. A properly designed on-grid solar solution can completely eliminate your electricity costs and result in zero electricity bills.

Net Metering

On-grid systems maximise savings through net metered connections. Net Metered connection push surplus solar production into the grid. Units sold to grid are adjusted against electricity usage during the night.

Easy Financing

On Grid residential solutions can be financed at subsidised interest rates using State Banks Solar Finance scheme. Eternal facilitates its customers to avail this amazing opportunity through our partner banks.